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Dennis Baisinger
unconventional talisman creator
We've been thinking a lot about Dennis's work, as he is rather tight-lipped about its meaning. His creative practice is very unusual- no table or easel for Dennis. He takes time to regard and remake matter to his liking. Dennis enjoys drawing but is more involved with creating containers for objects he often purchases at the Dollar Store.
For now, perhaps this snip from the Encyclopedia Britannica may help guide our musings:
"Amulet, also called Talisman, an object, either natural or man-made, believed to be endowed with special powers to protect or bring good fortune. Amulets are carried on the person or kept in the place that is the desired sphere of influence--e.g., on a roof or in a field. The terms amulet and talisman are often used interchangeably, but a talisman is sometimes defined as an engraved amulet.
Natural amulets are of many kinds: precious stones, metals, teeth and claws of animals, bones, plants, and so on. Man-made amulets, equally varied, include religious medallions and small figurines. Among believers amulets are thought to derive power from their connection with natural forces, from religious associations, or from being made in a ritual manner at a favourable time."
"His creative practice is very unusual- no table or easel for Dennis. He takes time to regard and remake matter to his liking."
- Bruce Burris
Exhibitions & Projects
Artist Chronology
Group Exhibits
“In the Garden We Will Wear Our Costumes for a Spaceship”
Gretchen Schuette Gallery
Salem, OR
Living Studios Gallery
Corvallis, OR
"Singular Visions: Self-Taught Artists From the Permanent Collection"
Hallie Ford Museum of Art
Salem, OR
Salem Art Association
Salem, OR
The Arts Center
Corvallis, OR
Living Studios
Corvallis, OR
Western Oregon University, Cannon Gallery
Monmouth, OR
"Do You See Everyone Under That Applebelly Tree?"
Oregon State University, Memorial Union Gallery
Corvallis, OR
Southern Oregon University, Schneider Museum of Art
Ashland, OR
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1445 Crystal Lake Drive
Corvallis, OR 97333
P. O. Box 973
Corvallis, OR 97339
P 541.752.9724
F 541.752.7853
Copyright 2023 Cornerstone Associates, Inc.