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Greg Persons
photographer & altered photography artist
Living Studios Project Space collaboration with Julianna Souther
"Every day we are moving from one place to the next in our cities or towns, usually giving little thought to whether we are seen or heard along the way. That is just how busy and focused we are as humans. Micro observations are witnessed with limited connection made to our actions, or any thought as to whether it might be recorded. Given our oblivious tendencies it is understandable that, while we might recognize the presence of security cameras as intended to make us feel safe, it is also our instinct to be cautious – even to feel ‘stalked’ in some way. Should the feed from security cameras and satellite footage be left on 24/7, even when there is no immediate danger? Does privacy even exist anymore?
In this Living Studios Project Space collaboration, Living Studios affiliated photographer Gregory Persons and Photographer Julianna Souther focus on photographing intersections, with Persons’ work serving as the centerpiece to Souther’s narrative, “Under Observation” explores the potentially undetected affiliations of moving through one’s day unaware that one’s movements might be under observation. It also raises the question of how the subjects (cars, pedestrians or cyclists) might feel if they realized that their everyday movements were being documented, even if in the name of ‘safety and security.’"
Check out Greg's most recent video project here!
"Greg really enjoys photography, especially of traffic lights. They are always the first thing he notices. Whenever he's given the opportunity, whether it's painting, sculpture, or photography, Greg chooses stop lights."
-Kelsey Davis
Exhibitions & Projects
Artist Chronology
Group Exhibits
Living Studios Gallery
Corvallis, OR
"Singular Visions: Self-Taught Artists From the Permanent Collection"
Hallie Ford Museum of Art
Salem, OR
Salem Art Association
Salem, OR
The Arts Center
Corvallis, OR
Living Studios
Corvallis, OR
Western Oregon University, Cannon Gallery
Monmouth, OR
Do You See Everybody Under That Applebelly Tree?
Oregon State University, Memorial Union Gallery
Corvallis, OR
Southern Oregon University, Schneider Museum of Art
Ashland, OR
Solo/2-person Exhibits
“Under Observation” a Living Studios (Cornerstone Associates) Project Space collaboration featuring work by Julianna Souther in collaboration with Greg Persons Corvallis Book Bin
Corvallis, OR
Featured Exhibits
"Singular Visions: Self-Taught Artists From the Permanent Collection"
Hallie Ford Museum of Art
Salem, OR
Permanent Collection
Hallie Ford Museum of Art
Salem, OR
Oregon Fringe Festival
Ashland, OR
Support an Artist
Art provides a means for expression for people who struggle to find the right words. Help an artist today
A donation of $100 or more will help expand our programs so artists can experience a new art medium and means of expression.
For as little as $500, you can help fund a gallery exhibition to give artists a way to share their art with others.

1445 Crystal Lake Drive
Corvallis, OR 97333
P. O. Box 973
Corvallis, OR 97339
P 541.752.9724
F 541.752.7853
Copyright 2023 Cornerstone Associates, Inc.