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Phillip Parsons
colorful characters & bold abstractions
Phillip Parsons is interested in figure drawing and color fields. His drawings of people are vibrant and inviting but also mysterious- what lies behind these filled-in faces? What do you think his work is about? Allow your imagination to lead the way.
Phil is inspired by art history, often making studies of paintings in his own style. He prefers to use crayon and marker to create his colorful and intriguing pieces. Recently, his work has started to be reminiscent of color field painting, an abstract art movement from the 1940s and 1950s.
With his dynamic and directional mark making, Phil Creates striking drawings that resemble the iridescence of oil spills. These rainbow colors are highlighted against deep darks making up a sprawling mass that evolves as each new layer is thoughtfully placed after the last. Phil is just as evolving as his drawings and has undergone incredible growth since he first started here at Living Studios.
"With his dynamic and directional mark-making, Phil Creates striking drawings that resemble the iridescence of oil spills. These rainbow colors are highlighted against deep darks making up a sprawling mass that evolves as each new layer is thoughtfully placed after the last."
-Angel Black
Exhibitions & Projects
Artist Chronology
Group Exhibits
“In the Garden We Will Wear Our Costumes for a Spaceship”
Gretchen Schuette Gallery
Salem, OR
Living Studios Gallery
Corvallis, OR
Support an Artist
Art provides a means for expression for people who struggle to find the right words. Help an artist today
A donation of $100 or more will help expand our programs so artists can experience a new art medium and means of expression.
For as little as $500, you can help fund a gallery exhibition to give artists a way to share their art with others.

1445 Crystal Lake Drive
Corvallis, OR 97333
P. O. Box 973
Corvallis, OR 97339
P 541.752.9724
F 541.752.7853
Copyright 2023 Cornerstone Associates, Inc.