The performance is a combination of ritual crochet-making (Marieke) and mural installation with the participation of the Ashland public on site and around the world in general via Zoom.

What's up with the title? Those considered to have disabilities.......wait...... and wait some more for most everything. This performance eliminates the space/time (waiting) between concept and creative outcome. Waiting for the Meteor is a durational interactive performance which in addition to altering/condensing time explores the potential of various collaborative/creative/supported interactions using available technology in support of onsite ritual/work. Periodically over 2 days the artist Mareike Mirsch will crochet via a publicly available Zoom link that we hope to project in the CatalystAshland site simultaneously with the mural intervention taking place. Viewers will have the option of observing the artist at work and/or interacting with her (if acceptable to artist), perhaps asking technical questions, or contributing to the mural in response to Marieke’s work. All sessions with Marieke will be supported by the artist Rachel Mulder who has collaborated with Marieke over the past 8 months.
On Site at Catalyst Ashland) Artist/Muralist Eileen Hinckle will act as a facilitator encouraging and supporting participants to translate Marieke's crochet forms from the Zoom feed into/onto a mural.