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Shows Featuring Living Studios
a timeline of shows with work by Living Studios associated artists
- Clay Bent link, Living Studios Gallery, Corvallis, OR, June 20 - July 12
- Soundbox 7: "C A M E R A S O U N D" link, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, May 19 - 21
- Geo-static / Structure / Pop! link, Living Studios Gallery, Corvallis, OR, May 16 - June 14
- Guest artists at Salem on the Edge Gallery link, Salem, OR, April 3 - 27
- Singular Visions link, Hallie Ford Museum of Art, Salem, OR, January 1 - April 20
- Voices From Home link, The Arts Center, Corvallis, OR, October 10 - November 22
- Zine Show link, Bush Barn Art Center, Salem Arts Association, Salem, OR, September 1 - October 1
- Around Oregon Biennial link, The Arts Center, Corvallis, OR, August 3 - September 9
- Open House, Living Studios, Corvallis, OR, August 4, 2023
- Soundbox 6: "Float" video & blog, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, May 22
- Walk This Way link, Cannon Gallery, Monmouth, OR, April 5 - May 5
- A Community is a Small Town link, Patricia Reser Center for the Arts, Beaverton, OR, January 18- March 4
- Unfold Your Book, Hold Each Page link, Corvallis Museum, Corvallis, OR, January 5
- Do You See Everyone Under That Applebelly Tree? link, Memorial Union Gallery, Corvallis, OR, November 17 - December 9
- Oregon Fringe Festival: "Waiting for the Meteor" link, Ashland, OR, April 29
- Collage Monster link, April
- Soundbox 5: "Passing By... Me" link, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, February 24
- We Take the Long Way link
- We. Construct. Marvels. Between. Monuments. link
- Paradise Postcard Show link

1445 Crystal Lake Drive
Corvallis, OR 97333
P. O. Box 973
Corvallis, OR 97339
P 541.752.9724
F 541.752.7853
Copyright 2023 Cornerstone Associates, Inc.