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Ruth Van Order
colored pencil, pen, and connections
Ruth Van Order is an artist who specializes in colored pencil portraits and large, intricately detailed maps and abstract works. She creates lively and vibrant portrayals of celebrities and other people she is interested in, guiding the viewer to examine the people as more than just people. She also dedicates extended amounts of time studying maps and layouts of places she connects with, remaking the designs in her own style and creating an interconnected narrative with an idealized view of a future utopia.
Ruth often works on standard grid paper and tapes it together to create massive works, completely covering them in tape once finished to protect the work.
For more information on Ruth Van Order, visit her page on Outpost 1000 here.
Read articles featuring Ruth on Eugene Weekly:
"Slant: Defense of Truth and the Dog Ban"
"Welcome to the Accidental Art Hotel"
"Van Order works tirelessly on an ever-expanding, constantly evolving map that depicts a colorful utopia in which energy is clean, food is healthy and plentiful, schools are good and medicine is free to those in need. She’s been building her own perfect world out of graph paper and Scotch tape for more than a couple years now. It’s grown so vast over that time that it takes at least two people to safely unfold it. Van Order says: 'It will be done when I die.' "
- Eugene Weekly
"Squinting through thick lenses, Van Order fills in the narrowest detail on an evolving map that is part quilt, part science fiction utopia blueprint, part how-to guide, part autobiography. Words can’t do it justice."
-Ben Ricker, Eugene Weekly
Exhibitions & Projects
Artist Chronology
Group Exhibits
“In the Garden We Will Wear Our Costumes for a Spaceship”
Gretchen Schuette Gallery
Salem, OR
"Singular Visions: Self-Taught Artists From the Permanent Collection"
Hallie Ford Museum of Art
Salem, OR
Benton Plaza
Corvallis, OR
The Lincoln Gallery
Eugene, OR
Featured Shows
"Singular Visions: Self-Taught Artists From the Permanent Collection"
Hallie Ford Museum of Art
Salem, OR
"Ruth Van Order- Revo Calling: Wallpapers Designed for Future Utopian Interiors"
ArtWorks (CEI) Gallery
Corvallis, OR
"Designs for Future Utopian Living: Works by Ruth Van Order"
Benton Plaza
Corvallis, OR
Support an Artist
Art provides a means for expression for people who struggle to find the right words. Help an artist today
A donation of $100 or more will help expand our programs so artists can experience a new art medium and means of expression.
For as little as $500, you can help fund a gallery exhibition to give artists a way to share their art with others.
1445 Crystal Lake Drive
Corvallis, OR 97333
P. O. Box 973
Corvallis, OR 97339
P 541.752.9724
F 541.752.7853
Copyright 2023 Cornerstone Associates, Inc.